Christian Service Program
All LCHS students are required to complete 60 hours of service by May 1st of their senior year.
Christian service is work done in furtherance of the Catholic Social Teachings for people in need, for a non-profit group, or in the care of God's creatures and the environment. In contrast, for instance, volunteering at a for-profit company in order to build a resume or learn career skills does not count as Christian service.
In addition to the 60 hours required by the school, several Honor Societies have annual service requirements. When students enter hours, they can apply hours to meet those Honor Society requirements.
Christian service is work done in furtherance of the Catholic Social Teachings for people in need, for a non-profit group, or in the care of God's creatures and the environment. In contrast, for instance, volunteering at a for-profit company in order to build a resume or learn career skills does not count as Christian service.
In addition to the 60 hours required by the school, several Honor Societies have annual service requirements. When students enter hours, they can apply hours to meet those Honor Society requirements.
How to enter service hours on RenWeb for Christian Service
1. Log in to RenWeb on your phone or computer.
2. Click on “Web Forms,” which is under School Information.
3. Complete ALL the information for 1-5 Service Events, then click “Save” at the bottom of the screen.
4. After you submit this form, RenWeb notifies Spiritual Life, and our staff must approve the entry before it will post to your total Service Hours (listed under Family Information).
Service Opportunities
The Service Club sponsors a number of school-wide events each year, including the St. Vincent Mission Christmas Drive, DanceBlue, Bowling with Buddies, and the God’s Pantry Canned Food Drive. In addition, the Service Club promotes a wide range of school and community projects throughout the year. Service Club members receive a monthly email that details many service opportunities, and all students have access to the various postings on the Serve Board.
We encourage students to do service that is meaningful to them, including service to their parish or place of worship. If students have their own idea for a service project, they can submit a proposal to Spiritual Life. If they are not sure if an activity qualifies as service, they should talk to someone in Christian Life before they volunteer..
We encourage students to do service that is meaningful to them, including service to their parish or place of worship. If students have their own idea for a service project, they can submit a proposal to Spiritual Life. If they are not sure if an activity qualifies as service, they should talk to someone in Christian Life before they volunteer..
Meeting the Requirement
Seniors who complete and submit 60 hours of service by May 1st will earn an Honor Cord to wear at graduation, and their transcripts will state that they completed the requirement.
In addition to outside scholarships and awards, students who exceed the required 60 hours and demonstrate leadership in service will be eligible for the following special LCHS awards:
In addition to outside scholarships and awards, students who exceed the required 60 hours and demonstrate leadership in service will be eligible for the following special LCHS awards:
• The St. Francis Service and Leadership Award – presented to freshman and sophomore students
• The Lee McGrath Service Award - presented to junior students
• The Heart of a Champion Award - A monetary scholarship is awarded to senior student(s) for outstanding community service and leadership.
Failure to Meet the Requirement
Seniors who do not complete and submit 60 hours by May 1st will not wear the Honor Cord and their transcripts will state they did not complete the requirement. In addition, they will be ineligible to wear any honor insignia (Beta Club, National Honor Society, Tri-M, and any of the World Language Honor Societies) at graduation.