Mission & Ministries
Our goal is to provide opportunities for students, parents and staff to grow in faith, love, and service. To that end, we provide prayer, fellowship, and worship opportunities, as well as retreats which nurture faith, hope, and love. In addition to serving as a resource for students in need of prayer and spiritual guidance, we are available to answer parent questions and assist faculty by providing resource materials. The activities listed below are coordinated by the Spiritual Life Center:
Our goal is to provide opportunities for students, parents and staff to grow in faith, love, and service. To that end, we provide prayer, fellowship, and worship opportunities, as well as retreats which nurture faith, hope, and love. In addition to serving as a resource for students in need of prayer and spiritual guidance, we are available to answer parent questions and assist faculty by providing resource materials. The activities listed below are coordinated by the Spiritual Life Center:
Monthly whole school Masses at Mary Queen or LCHS
Reconciliation each semester and by appointment
Retreats at each grade level, with optional overnight retreats offered to upperclassmen
Summer Mission Trip to Appalachia, typically in the first week of June
Respect for Life Activities
Faculty retreats, prayer, and fellowship opportunities are provided each year
Parent Prayer and Fellowship Group meets and assists with Spiritual Life activities
Sponsorship of the V-Crew, a student group which prays for vocations, and has social and service events together
Sponsorship of the Service Club, which creates and promotes opportunities for students to serve the community
Reconciliation each semester and by appointment
Retreats at each grade level, with optional overnight retreats offered to upperclassmen
Summer Mission Trip to Appalachia, typically in the first week of June
Respect for Life Activities
Faculty retreats, prayer, and fellowship opportunities are provided each year
Parent Prayer and Fellowship Group meets and assists with Spiritual Life activities
Sponsorship of the V-Crew, a student group which prays for vocations, and has social and service events together
Sponsorship of the Service Club, which creates and promotes opportunities for students to serve the community
Sponsorship of Diversity Club, a student group which works to better understand and embrace the diverse population of our school, our community, and our world
Maintaining record of student service hours completed and providing numerous service opportunities and nominating students for service related scholarships for those who exceed the service requirements
MONDAYS at 7:20 a.m. MASS: Enjoy this sacred time to be with our Lord and receive His Word and His Body and Blood!
TUESDAYS at 7:20 a.m. MASS: Enjoy a moment to be Spiritually fed by Jesus’ word and his Eucharistic presence!
TUESDAYS at 7:20 a.m. MASS: Enjoy a moment to be Spiritually fed by Jesus’ word and his Eucharistic presence!
WEDNESDAYS 7:20 a.m. MASS: Enjoy a Word from God and his Strength and love in his sacrificial offering of himself in the Eucharist!
THURSDAYS at 7:20 a.m. ADORATION: Come and spend a few minutes in the chapel before the Lord in the Blessed Monstrance- truly refreshing to the soul.
FRIDAYS at 7:30 a.m. L.I.F.T (LIVING IN FAITH TOGETHER *A Spiritual Program) If you have a message to give to the teens to inspire them for 5-7 minutes on a Friday morning, just let me know! Nigel Smith, Ryanne Pults, David Wu, Coach True & others, as well as, students & guests from the community shared a variety of fantastic perspectives last year.