Faith and Student Life

The Spiritual Life Staff at Lexington Catholic High School is comprised of our Chaplain, Father Norman Fischer, Director Rachel Scanlon. Located near the cafeteria, the Spiritual Life Center is where students go to sign up for service events, retreats, and liturgies; to seek guidance or confession; to pray for vocations with the V-Crew; or to simply discuss a stressful day. The Center coordinates weekly Chapel activities (such as Mass, LIFT youth gathering, and Adoration), monthly all-school Masses, retreats for each grade level, a Reconciliation Service once a semester, and a vibrant community service program.

Christian Service Program- Before graduation, students are required to complete at least 60 hours of service to those in need or to benefit God's creation. Students submit their service hours via RenWeb, the Spiritual Life center reviews and approves entries, then approved hours post to RenWeb and appear on student report cards. We believe that the community service program makes an everlasting impact not only on those served, but also on the lives of our students, expanding their hearts and minds and preparing them to be powerful and effective agents of change. Click on the "Service Program" tab to read more about the program and its requirements and to see instructions for entering hours.

Service Club- The Spiritual Life Center also sponsors the Lexington Catholic Service Club, an group of almost 400 students and faculty who work together to plan and participate in service projects. The Service Club sponsors many service events and activities to help students meet the requirement, including the St. Vincent Mission Christmas Drive, Dance Blue, Bowling with Buddies, a Canned Food Drive for God's Pantry, and much more. Click here to read more about the club and its activities.