Marty Brown » Bio




Mr. Marty Brown is an Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science teacher at Lexington Catholic High School.  In his role this year, Mr. Brown teaches students Transition to Engineering (T2E), Robotics, Honors Algebra II, CP Algebra II and C++ Computer Programming.  Marty is retired from IBM/Lexmark where he was a firmware development engineer.  Marty is a graduate of the University of Louisville Speed Scientific Engineering School where he majored in Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science and received a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Engineering degree.  He and his wife, Amy, are the proud parents of Renee (Class of 2013), Marty VI (Class of 2014), Bridget (Class of 2016) and Kevin (Class of 2018).  They are members of Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary parish, where he serves as usher and as Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister.