Mid-Knight Stakes » Race To The Clock (Bourbon and Wine Pull)

Race To The Clock (Bourbon and Wine Pull)

This year at Mid-Knight Stakes, we're excited to introduce a unique twist on our bourbon and wine pull, perfectly aligned with our 'Back To The Knight' theme. It's called 'Race to the Clock,' where each DeLorean (bourbon or wine bottle) competes to reach the finish line.


To participate, simply donate bourbon or wine bottles ($20 or more) to the front office with your name, email, and phone number. Every donated bottle will be assigned a DeLorean car number, and during Mid-Knight Stakes, they'll race across 40 spaces to the finish line. If your numbered DeLorean finishes first, you win the grand prize. You can increase your chances by donating more bottles. 


The race order will be randomly predetermined, and a dice roll generator will advance the DeLoreans. Participants must be 21 to play, and in case of ties, the highest total of three digitally rolled dice will determine the winner. There's only one winner, and you don't have to be present to claim your prize. At Mid-Knight Stakes, you can purchase your “pull ticket” for your bottle of bourbon or wine.  You will also receive your DeLorean car number to race across 40 spaces to the Clock.  As your car arrives at the Clock, you will get to draw your bottle of bourbon or wine.


Thank you for supporting this exciting addition to Mid-Knight Stakes this year!