Learning Differences
This section of our website contains a number of worthwhile resources of interest to our students who have a learning disability or ADD or other learning difference, usually addressed in either an I.E.P. or 504 Plan. These links may be valuable to both students and parents during the high school years and in planning for college. We hope you find them helpful.
- ACT Testing Accommodations - ACT's services for students with disabilities. Explains procedure for requesting accommodations.
- CHADD - The nation's leading nonprofit organization serving individuals with Attention - Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
- LD Online - Resource site for parents, teachers, and other professionals. Excellent links to other related sites.
- National Attention Deficit Disorder Association - World's largest organization for adults with AD/HD.
- National Center for Learning Disabilities - Resource for information on learning disabilities.
- SAT Testing Accommodations - College board's Services for Students with Disabilities. Explains eligibility and documentation process for PSAT, SAT, and AP exams.