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Carol Ritchie
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Added Jul 16, 2023
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greetings Knights my name is Mrs Richie I'm the director of IT services at Lexington Catholic and I were would mr. Newsome he's the it help desk specialist both of us are located in the it office which is near the Highmark Center which you'll see when you come to orientation you'll go on a tour go by there so you'll know right where we are there will be videos in the future coming for you for services provided by DLC help desk but for right now this video is going to be all about getting your password setup and helping you get logged on for your first day of school four things that we're going to cover in this video are number one we're going to change your password and what you were going to set up password recovery information so that if you run into password trouble in the future you can take care of that problem your own number three we're going to log into the Microsoft Office 365 website make sure our password works and number for we're going to log out of the website log back in one more time just make sure everything's working fine so why are these things important for us to do number one you're going to give access to the website where you will be spending a lot of time as a student be able to log in and have a password for your lchs loaner laptop computers will be more discussion about that in a future video you'll also have access to teams will be have a password that can log you in and out of there and you also have the password for your student email via Outlook during this series of videos Office 365 and Microsoft 365 are the same thing that was a name change that Microsoft did about a year ago and we keep interchanging those names but if you hear Office 365 Microsoft 360 both of those are the same thing do as a little disclaimer before we go any further this video I'm going to be using a Windows some of you may have Max that's perfectly fine I'm using what I have but it shouldn't be too terribly different from what you Mac users will be well we'll be seeing as well one thing I do want to point out other is if you are a Windows user you probably want to be using Microsoft Edge all right I know Chrome is very popular Firefox is somewhat pop but if your windows user I strong recommend you use Edge when you're working with Microsoft 365 meth users I strongly recommend you download and install Google Chrome please do not use Safari Safari is what comes on board with your Mac but it is not working well with Microsoft 365 so if you have not done that already you need to download and install Google Chrome all right so some things you need to do before you get started before you put a finger on your keyboard there's a few items we need to do so would I like to do is a notepad here and May sure that I have all of the things I need to do cover so number one Edge or Chrome browser okay I'll do download those if you don't already have them on computer all right number to I need to find email from Lexington Catholic okay it should look something like this I guess isn't nice and pretty formatted like you would get it in your email but it's saying welcome to Lexington Catholic and down at the bottom it would give you a student email address that's your student email address I am student 01 you are student usually 121 something something something something okay it's a number that is your student ID number it will not change while you're at Lexington like your name could change that kind of thing but that numbers I don't stay permanent so you probably want to think about memorizing it now would be a good thing to do before you get to school list of it is a password now my password is lying to me is new 23/9 notice it has a capital N and a capital K I need to make sure I keep keep track of that all right you guys something different but that's what I have I need to keep sure make sure that I have this handy I'm going to put it in my note list at yep I've got my email I'm good to go number three I need to have an Uber awkward and there are requirements for the password it must have some lowercase letters it must have some uppercase letters it must have numbers you don't have to remember all that stuff it will fuss at you if you don't type in a password that meets those requirements some lowercase some uppercase some numbers it must be at least 8 characters long so right now is a good time to come up with the password you want to use I'm going to use my see my new password 1 2 3 4 all good at the uppercase I've got lower case I've got numbers I'm all set that's my new password okay for I'm going to need to have a cell phone number ideally if you have a cell phone that you make sure you know what that is so mines 8 5 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay your cell phone number it might be your parents cell phone number at trustee friend here's why we need your cell phone number if somehow you forget your password or you have to reset your password the number that you have stored as your cell phone contacts will be sent a PIN number so that you can identify yourself as the person who is legitimately requesting a password reset so you're going to say it's going to be fine going to look up your cell phone number it's going to send a code to that cell phone number you're you are going to have to type that code in while you trying to change your password that's how you get verified so you'll need to have a cell phone number handy like I said if you don't cell phone that's fine get one from a parent a friend is anybody that you have contact with so that you can get that code when it's sent in the event that you are a stocking you need to change your password same thing I need a personal email address okay now what do I need that because there have been unfortunate times I have seen it myself where your cell phone for 1 another is not available to you let's say it's class time and you're not allowed to have a cell phone in class what's your personal email address same thing it'll send a code to your personal email address saying do you know that somebody's just requested a password reset on your behalf if so here's a code type that in where that where it's at in for this code and I'm going to use my name is Carol Ricci at my okay now that's just me. That's not real but that's my personal when is it's not an lchs email you don't use an lchs email to recover your lchs password because if you could get on to your email you know your password so anyway five things you need to have handy before you start this process so take a moment now before you go any further make sure you have all five of those things ready to go so we should be ready now to start setting up our password with our little notepad here which is totally optional you don't have notepad I do it for clarity and other thing I want to do this is where we're going to go to the website that we're going to use so because I'm a Windows user I'm going to go over here to Microsoft Edge and I'm going to go to boys green up here and we're going to go here to sign in you don't have to get Microsoft you don't have to sign up for a free version you have all that already so you just click sign in because I kind of jumped the gun on you guys I already signed in with my student ID once before it already has it stored in here normally what you would see we just forget this normally this is what you're going to say yeah and I'm going to type in notepad here I am student 01 at Lexington so I'm just going to copy and paste that there and it's going to ask me for a password so I'm going to get the password that I got in my email from Lexington Catholic going to taste it there when I use the little eyeball so I know I did that part right I'm going to click sign in and here you go update your passwords you need to update your password because this is the first time you're signing in or because your password has expired in your case it's the first time you're signing in so I'm going to put my current password which is this one right here okay copy I'm going to put my current password right there on it I did that right now I'm going to come over to my notepad and yeah this is the password I wanted my new password to copy it yep that's what I want my new password to be sign in we seem to have a problem okay this is the type of error message you're going to get if 360 does not like the password that are the new password you're trying to use and they kind of explain it if seen that password too many times before in other words it's too simple you need something a little bit harder so okay let's go over here and you could completely change that password if you wanted to but I know for a fact that my password 67 is not particularly so I'm going to change what I want passwords and I'm going to that in there dad in there eyeball doesn't show up this time but that's okay and I'm going to sign in Dairy I did it right but now it needs more information remember we need our self we need to enter the cell phone number and an email address so just click next okay so here you are to secure your account you're going to need to enter a phone number so are you still in there okay and it will text me a code alrighty and I hit next we just sent a code and sure enough they did let me see I look at my phone right now ICC sing like this that came up in Maya and my messages be careful not to use the number of the text messages South Bend 7671 don't use that that's just a dental buying that you need number for that text message what you want is the code that's down in the embedded text there says use verification code that's what I'm going to type in here now that's just a picture that's not the real thing the real thing they sent me one be here for 3 by 4 9700k and I let in if I wait too long I can always ask him to resend it but I've got time and quick next it says okay great you are verified now go to the next step what email would you like to use okay well go back down here I was going to use Carol Ritchie at my email. and click next now it's doing the same thing I need to log on now and see if I've gotten my code yet and I have and it is 930 986 okay done and done stay signed in I'm going to say no for now you can say yes later on when you're doing this for for you but for me I don't want to stay logged in and here I am I am now in Office 365 going to present you all kinds of things now one thing that I suggest you do is immediately log out and log back in with the password you think you set which okay right here this is how you logout to go find your little your initials will be up there in my case I am student student so it's F and right here sign out that's how you logout of your Office 365 account okay all right and now if I go to I just clicked sign in my students are in one is already entered their I type in my new password 67 remember we had to change it cuz 1 2 3 4 was too common and sign-in you can choose to stay signed in I am not and are you happy we're in now before we sign out and sign off of this piece of the video I want to make two points that I probably didn't make clear before number one you are going to need to have the email available to you your phone on a computer or whatever to receive the the security code when you go to register your email address that's your personal email address that you use for Recovery same thing with the cell phone your I need to have not only that number but you need to have the phone or have somebody there standing with you use phone number you put in there so that they can give you the code that gets texted to them so you're going to have to have access to both of those devices while you're doing this setup I probably didn't make that it clear in the beginning so we're going to sign out now and you've done it you've you set up your passwords you can now get on Office 365 in other videos I'll show you how to change that information if you say oh my goodness I need to change the phone number my recovery phone number or my recovery email address you can certainly do that cuz that in another video but for now this should get you started so what's brought back for just a second and look over what we've done number one you change the device password that we sent you and your lchs it welcome email and sent it to a password that's something that you know you also stored a cell phone number and a personal email address so that if you run into password problems in the future you can reset that password more about that in a future video but that capability now has been set up for you and lastly we got you logged into which was something you were going to be able to do on the first day of school please go on to the next video how to download and install Microsoft 365 that is also something that you'll need for the first day of school that will get you access to your student email and to the team's classrooms and at that point you're in very good shape to be all set up for the start of school
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Carol Ritchie