Alumni Knight
Lexington Catholic was the place to be on Saturday, October 19, 2024, for alumni gathering at their alma mater!
It was amazing to welcome home our alums for their reunions! Classes of ’60, ’70, ’74. ’84, ’94, ’02, ’04 and ’14 had their own reunion spaces to be with each other, and then, everyone was able to catch up with other alums as the food and beverages were in the New Facilities Rotunda. We welcomed our alumni home to their school with the whole school being open to wander and look at all the places they knew and remembered and discover the new areas that have been added since they were last here. Thank you to our reunion chairs for your efforts in rallying your classmates to come together! It was a very special knight and truly wonderful to see all our alums having the best time!
Class of ‘60
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 19, 2024, 7-10 p.m. for a reunion to be held in the school. We will be participating in the LCH Alumni Knight on Saturday, October 19, 2024! Food and drinks will be provided at a cost of $25 per person. More information to follow, so watch your mailboxes! It has been 64 years since we walked the halls of LCH, and this will be an opportunity to walk them once again. Let’s make this a Knight to remember! Contacts for this reunion will be Mary Mills Kemper at [email protected] and Marcia Sipe Reed at [email protected]
Class of ’70
Save the date for October 18 and 19, 2024. We will be gathering at Lexington Catholic on Alumni Knight on Saturday. Plans are underway for a great weekend! Please contact Ann Jones at 859-229-4670 or John Faraci 561-307-1511 for reunion suggestions!
Class of ‘74
It is our 50th reunion year! Please save the date for the weekend of October 18 and 19, 2024. We will host a reunion at the school and plan other activities as well. Please send in updated contact information to Don Locknane [email protected] We can't wait to celebrate together!
Class of '84
It's time to celebrate our 40 year reunion! We will be gathering at Lexington Catholic on Saturday, October 19, 7-10 PM - Save the Date! We are working on plans for the rest of the weekend. Contact Cheryl Adams at [email protected] to update your contact information and/or with questions.
Class of '94
We are excited to get back together for our 30th reunion! We are gathering at Lexington Catholic on Saturday, October 19, 2024. You can attend the football game on Friday night as well. We are working on other plans. Please contact Sarah Asalon [email protected] for any questions.
Class of ‘02
It is time to get together! Save the Date for the weekend of October 18 and 19, 2024. We will be gathering at the school on Saturday, October 19, at 7:00 PM. Other plans are in the works for great weekend! Contact Clay Angelucci [email protected] or Meredith Lane [email protected] with updated contact information and/or questions.
Class of ‘04
We can’t wait to see everyone and catch up! Please save October 18 and 19 for our reunion weekend. Friday we will meet at the Knights Football game followed by a gathering spot post game. Saturday night, October 19, we will gather at Lexington Catholic for a cocktail party 7-10 PM. More plans are in the works, but we want everyone to save the date and make plans to attend! Contact Mollie Locknane Wilkins [email protected] Kristin Ford Milam [email protected] Brittany Browning Manning [email protected] or Meredith Owens Sherer [email protected] to send in updated contact information and/or for questions.
Class of ‘14
It is hard to believe it has been 10 years since we last stepped out of Lexington Catholic as students! While we are each well upon our individual journeys now, the class of 2014 is forever linked as a community. A lot has happened in the past 10 years and we have the opportunity for this community to uKnight once more to celebrate the new and reflect on the past. We would love to have you at the Class of 2014's 10 year reunion on the night of Saturday, October 19th at Lexington Catholic.
If you have any questions please reach out to any of the below:
Hugo Schurr - [email protected]
David Bouvier - [email protected]
Mariah Dence - [email protected]
Anna Billhymer - [email protected]
Marty Brown - [email protected]
It's not too late if you would like for your class to join in the Alumni Knight Weekend! Please contact Pam Schneider [email protected] for your class list and instructions on how to get started!