As of this evening, Lexington Catholic High School plans to hold classes tomorrow starting at 8:10 AM. However, due to the predicted weather, we will follow an Early Release Schedule, dismissing students at 11:40 AM.
As a result of this schedule change:
The 8th-period class will be canceled.
Classes will follow the normal Friday rotation.
Lunch will not be available.
Tomorrow will be a dress down day. All dress down guidelines apply.
The Early Release bell schedule for tomorrow is provided below.
Parents, please use your own discretion on driving conditions from where you are traveling from and attendance tomorrow. It is always at the parents' discretion as to whether or not to send their child to school when inclement weather occurs. We understand that conditions sometimes vary by location. If you choose to keep your child home, please contact the main office in the morning to report the absence.
Early Release Schedule
8:10-8:45 First Period
8:50-9:20 Second Period
9:25-9:55 Third Period
10:00-10:30 Fourth/Fifth Period
10:35-11:05 Sixth Period
11:10-11:40 Seventh Period