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My favorite book ever.
I didn't want to like a modern novel, but it happened anyhow.
I generally like anything Hemingway wrote...but this one really speaks to me.
I don't like this one as much as The Sun Also Rises, but saying that is like trying to decide between 80% dark chocolate and 90% dark chocolate. They are both exquisite.
I am no longer a Stephen King fan, but I do like a lot of his early writing, especially this novel.
Yes I like this book. Yes I liked it BEFORE it was a Let's Read Lexington thing. Yes, that wasn't nice of me to say. No apologies. BTW, did you know, that Sigourney Weaver (of Alien fame) was born Susan Weaver and chose the name Sigourney because of a character in The Great Gatsby? I didn't either, until I rewatched all the Alien movies this past summer and worked my way through the bonus features. But you do now. :)